assets files with an installer package loaded.

I tested this tool with 7 Days to Die's bundles but let me know if you encounter any bugs or if you have suggestions. assets files from bundles, import them back, modify most asset formats with plugins and dumps with type information and create a standalone installer from the modifications. Extract them somewhere and then run fsb_aud_extr.exe nitw_audio.fsb and wait.Ĭount the files, if there are samples missing run the above command again.Unity Assets Bundle Extractor (UABE) is a stylish tool that allows editing asset bundles and.
Remember to remove the empty line at the end.ĭownload the zip and linked DLLs from here. Go to this website and remove the duplicate lines, then go to this website and remember the count. This needs to be done to make sure the extraction later completed successfully. This tool is not actually used to extract the sample, but rather to count the samples in the archive. Open nitw_audio.fsb through File -> Open. Search for the string FSB5 and copy everything from the start of the string to the end of the file into a new file named something like nitw_audio.fsb.ĭownload FSB Extractor and open it.
Download any hex editor and open the Master.bank file in the StreamingAssets folder. NOTE: Since the Autumn Edition Text has been deindexed and changed it's name to 0x00000031 Audio Sort by asset type again but now select and export all TextAsset files. NOTE: Since the Autumn Edition Texture2D has been deindexed and changed it's name to 0x0000001C Sprites changed it's name to 0x000000D5 Dialogue Now select all Texture2D files and click the Plugins button and select what file format to export to. In UABE click the Type colum header to sort by asset type. NOTE: Since the AutumnEdition release Unity slightly changed it's encryption method, it's necesary to download the FIX for the files Asset Tools file v2.1c found below the original link. Navigate to the Night in the Woods data directory: Steam\steamapps\common\Night in the Woods\Night in the Woods_Data First thing do do is downloading Unity Asset Bundle Extractor (UABE) or a similar tool.